Why Be Outspoken?
Why not follow the path of least resistance? Why not go with the flow? Why do you have to be different? Why must you fantasize in something the world will never be? Why push the envelope when you know you've lost? Why push buttons when you know its not smart and advantageous? Why are you intent on being under the gun, underdog, in trouble etc.? Why can't you be a model? My answer would be: Why should I be perfect when its a lot more enticing not to be? I don't accept the world as it is now because don't agree with it. We live in a world where "being all you can be is" is everything! And being content well being content is just being lazy. I don't go with the flow never did I've always seen myself as an outsider. I think going with the flow is stupid your just being what other people want you to be a robot laughing whenever someone cracks a joke or clapping when someone makes a great presentation. Following the path of least resistance is w...