
Showing posts from 2012

Why Be Outspoken?

Why not follow the path of least resistance? Why not go with the flow? Why do you have to be different? Why must you fantasize in something the world will never be? Why push the envelope when you know you've lost? Why push buttons when you know its not smart and advantageous? Why are you intent on being under the gun, underdog, in trouble etc.? Why can't you be a model? My answer would be: Why should I be perfect when its a lot more enticing not to be? I don't accept the world as it is now because don't agree with it. We live in a world where "being all you can be is" is everything! And being content well being content is just being lazy. I don't go with the flow never did I've always seen myself as an outsider. I think going with the flow is stupid your just being what other people want you to be a robot laughing whenever someone cracks a joke or clapping when someone makes a great presentation. Following the path of least resistance is w...

Idea's Of Wrestling Characters From A Novice

So as a fan of wrestling entertainment (drama show for men lol) I thought I should make an entertaining blog about my crazy ideas of wrestling characters here goes! Agreed some of these are similar to what they have already but who the hell cares its just for fun! Dates are on here because I will be adding as I think of more! 10/14/12 Agent Orange Dark Brown Orange trench coat, hat (detective style), pants. Entrance is a orange mist all around the arena. Mysterious figure appears in the ring. Face has a greenish camouflage cloth mask with only the eyes showing red. Says nothing instead uses signs to show what he means. Uses a mysterious straw to blow mysterious orange powder into an enemies face. Personality is indifferent, fickle and go either way whatever, he sees fit. Surprises many. Acts as leader. Mr. Khan Keystone Conservative clothing walks down with no music. Conservative look that is unprofessional. Will not conform to the policies and rules. Does not take orders and t...

Oh Along Time Ago I Thought I Could Make A Decent Sequel to Star Trek

And no never turned this into to anyone. Kinda went to the wayside really got caught up in other things but here we go to be honest someone more than likely thought of this first! ha. So there you go all you trekkie fans to build on this or critic it all you want anyone can honestly!! Death Of The Federation Edited on 11/6/2011 Note: this is written assuming there is no time travel this is also subject to change.   A few years after Star Trek First Nemesis - (subject to change) has gone by with peace and prosperity of the federation as it grows stronger and yields more power. The lasting hatred between the Klingons and Humans have ceased bringing the two closer together even closer than the Vulcans or Andorians. Infact, the two are so close that Earth elected the first Klingon to ever be president while the Klingons have declared a human to be worthy of serving on a Klingon vessel making him the commander. However, the Klingons are not so receptive to the fe...

Being All You Can Be Is...... You know!! (8 letter word)

 WARNING: BLOG MAY CONTAIN STRONG LANGUAGE NOT SUITABLE TO CHILDREN VIEWERSHIP AND WHOEVER DOESN'T LIKE STRONG LANGUAGE. Psst. you learned it in grade school most likely or your parents. A bull or cow (if you prefer) and a piece of poo? If you don't get it by now your an idiot and you need to be "retrained" in education. Just kidding ladies and gentlemen. I felt I needed a different tone in my blog. I've re-read my blogs and there just so gloomy and depressing so this is Bold and Outspoken's 3.0 version of blogging. Ever changing and spicing things up. Well anyways this is a blog about being all you can be. Which I think is materialistic bullshit. (parden my french) but its been bugging me ever since college. I read books about socialism and had a couple of professors who preached socialism and communism. Not that I got brainwashed I just like that system a whole lot better than the bullshit capitalism we have right now where its all about numbers numbers ...

Disclaimer About The Research Reports (i.e. UAW report and Practices of MLB)

These were reports researched and written by myself. Alot of work went into researching and writing these reports. They are free for the taking and the showing. My theory on this decision is what good is it going to do if it just sits on a flash drive. Plus I have another belief that every work that has references is not your original work anyways your just analyzing your topic with other people's works. To anyone who wants to plagiarize be my guest your only hurting yourself (remember there are instructors out there who check!). To those who are researching a similar topic or want to take references (which is perfectly fine) feel free although I don't know if my sources are outdated, archived or in some cases gone completely.  To those who read.. yes there will be alot of quotes and some grammar errors.... we are only human and this is only a blog If you want to take a look there located in "Pages"

We Did Start The Fire: Materialism, Status, Competition,Shallow Souls

Amazing isn't it our world of ours so beautiful so perfect in every sense. Leave it to a few useless idiots to destroy that and make it into one big tv reality show. Yes I said it life is nothing but a tv reality show. Think about it take a good hard look at what we do.... Jobs? I think every job is necessary and every job serves its purpose in the workforce I'd even throw being a bum or hobo into the mix. And lets face it everyone needs something to do or we'd all go mad. So why bring up jobs? Office Politics. Office politics prevents you from climbing the corporate ladder. Office will cut your actually performance in half. Office politics will backstab you before your enemies will. One example, if you rub the wrong person the wrong way and they have power or longevity (lifer) in the company it will prevent you from reaching you peak position or going anywhere in a company. So whats the solution. Be a journeyman, whats so bad about being a journeymen? Companies want long...

The Friendship Revolver 3: Supervisors Are Not Your Friends and Beware The Workers (ShortBlog)

So just a word of advice to everyone: THE ELITE Corporations Are Not People Corporations Are Not Your Friend *Oh And this goes the same for alot of private companies to include ones that have contracts for the government. Management Are People Management Is Not Your Friend Supervisors Are People Supervisors Are Not Your Friend Do Not Trust Management. Do Not Trust Supervisors. *Very rarely do you find supervisors or management that will cover you they will report everything you do wrong and if they don't like you they will find every excuse to can you!!!! Now the Proletariat or Workers Workers Are People Workers *CAN* Be your friend Workers *CAN* cover for you Workers will cross you Word of advice, choose your friends carefully.... choose who you trust carefully or you will get canned. FINAL SUGGESTIONS 1.  Do not get close with your supervisors and don't get to comfortable at least on your probationary period. Reason being is that you...

My personal survey

Please fill it out I'm trying to make my blogspot better! <a href="">Online Surveys</a> Random Questions Survey of The Bold and Outspoken Blvd Blog

Micro Points: Watching Documentaries, Reading Books and Magazines Over Sports

Amazing isn't it? Fascinating how my attitude of reading was so poor. 1. I hated reading 2. Never was interesting in reading anything but sports 3. Addicted to sports 4. Knew a lot about Philly sports 5. Knew a bunch about sports in general then, 1. I went to college 2. Read books in college 3. Watched documentaries in college 4. Got interested in current events 5. Watched Fox News 6. Switched over to alternative news and a bit of mainstream news 7. Researched more into the business of baseball 8. Still in-tuned to sports 9. Read something called businessweek (flipped through it school assignment) now, 1. I'm keeping up with current events, listening to alternative and mainstream news. 2. Reading books by choice now. 3. Watching double the documentaries I've ever watched (including college and before) 4. Keep up with sports but not that much. (Use to name all the actions my teams do now I get a bit surprised when I look at the news) *Sixers are win...

Micro Points: Workplace Opinions and Ideal Life

Workplace Politics and Opinions 1. If your going to criticize the company you have just started working for, make sure you can defend against an attack of "how long have you been with the company" 2. Many times you may formulate opinions or criticisms about the company from many sources. The most accurate ones don't come from rants of a fired employee or a "sucks sight. They come from long time tenured employees who have gotten recognitions, awards, and who are the backbone of the company. 3. When you hear something critical of the company from a tenured employee it is best to sit on it and confirm it. 4. If a manager or employee gives you a hard time about voicing your disagreements with the company make sure you don't say it to that particular manager or air it in front of the that manger or employee. 5. Managers and supervisors cover themselves. Don't expect them to tell the truth 6. Favoritism is greater than hard work and esp. individual thoughts ...

The Friendship Revolver 2: A Note To Friends On Time and Connections

INTRO Main reason I'm writing this blog is for my friends and everybody else who has a friend like this. I am busy I have other errands I have to do I have a bible study i have to go to I have to study for a test I have to write a paper After I work I'm exhausted I have 2 jobs I have no time etc. Ever get that from a friend then sit and think about it. Well this is what I'm doing right now. Ever think "He's just talking out of his or her ***" or "Maybe they don't want to hangout" or whatever the thought across your mind might be. Why do they say they are busy all the time what is in their life that is so important why do they stress out on that? Do they care about being friends Analysis of Myself Let's analyze what I did during college and work In college I took 17-19 credits which is alot. One semester I had 6 finals to take which is again alot. Other semesters I had homework everyday for all 6 courses or research papers...

Bold Men with Bold Facts and Bold Warnings

 - Youtube videos uploaded from various different users. Eisenhower- On military industrial complex Quoted directly from the Military-Industrial Complex website-"The Military-Industrial Complex is a phrase used to signify a comfortable relationship between parties that are charged to manage wars (the military, the presidential administration and congress) and companies that produce weapons and equipment for war (industry). To put it simply, the Military-Industrial Complex is described as an all-too friendly relationship that may develop between defense contractors and government forces, where both sides receive what they are perceivably looking for: a successful military engagement for warplanners and financial profit for those manning the corporate boardrooms. It can be viewed as a “war for profit” theory." Kennedy- On Secret Societies and 'the machine' I show this video because it is eerily similar to what is going ...

2012 Resolution: Bettering Myself and Being More Anti-Cool?

So I thought it would be best if I start with my list of what I want to improve: 1.) Better editing of the blog 2.) More research into topics to open up to open, unique and different topics 3.) Steering away from religion 4.) Easier to read blogs. Quick Simple and Painless Enough for blog goals here is my goals 1.) Grow into a career 2.)Better myself 3.) Instead of being cool and being someone different. Improve who I am and refining my weaknesses 4.) Gain knowledge and wisdom 5.) More research (instead of hearing what people have to say, look up what they're saying every-time) 6.) Workout 7.) Get more involved into activities that I enjoy 8.) Picking my battles and being tight lipped about certain events that I can never change One thing that I wish I could improve 1.) Being more outgoing....   this to me is beating a dead horse.... People are different some can do this others however cannot. 2.) I cannot stop being opinionated and I will not br...